Middlebrook Animal Clinic

9229 Middlebrook Pike
Knoxville, TN 37931



Top 10 Forgotten Traveling Musts

 1.  A way to keep your pet confined (for the car and for  when you get there)
 2.  A means of identification (i.e., collar tags and microchips)
 3.  Rabies vaccination proof
 4.  Your pet's regular veterinarian contact  information
 5.  Knowing the travel rules for your pet (i.e., airline regulations, health certificates, quarantine rules)
 6.  Securing reservations or obtaining a list of accommodations for your pet before traveling (know where it is acceptable to take your pet)
 7.  Scheduling potty breaks or rest stops for your pet.
 8.  Packing your pet's normal diet or making sure that their usual food will be available at the destination (prevents tummy upset if they eat what they're used to)
 9.  Packing your pet's gear (food and water bowls, favorite toys, bedding, extra leashes)

10. Having an alternate plan for pet care (there will be times that you won't be able to bring your pet along, like in restaurants and amusement parks)